Monday, May 9, 2016

Prep Your Skin for Spring with a Chemical Peel

Facial Peels Can Help Acne and Skin Tone - Actual Un-Retouched Patient.

Facial Peels Can Help Acne and Skin Tone – Actual Un-Retouched Patient.

Spring is here, which means the weather is getting warmer and the air is getting less dry. Springtime is associated with renewal, and that goes for your skin, too! Winter, with its cold, dry air, can cause skin to become dull, lifeless, and flaky.

As the temperature rises, it’s time to rid your skin of the last vestiges of winter and bring forth a spring rejuvenation on your face with a chemical peel. Chemical peels are a wonderful way to eliminate dead skin cells through removing the outer layers of skin that have been damaged by sun, acne, age, wrinkles, or pigmentation. Removing this damaged tissue reveals fresh new skin beneath, allowing you to put your best face forward.

Chemical peels can be customized for your individual skin issues, and can help treat everything from fine lines to acne scars. The depth of the peel can be modified as well, depending on the patient’s goals and expectations. A light peel may require no downtime at all, while a deep peel may necessitate taking a few days off work while your skin heals.

After your chemical peel, we can help you find the best skincare regimen that addresses your concerns and takes into account the changing weather.

Next, read Get Beach Body Ready with Non-Invasive Body Sculpting

The post Prep Your Skin for Spring with a Chemical Peel appeared first on Cosmetic Laser Dermatology in San Diego.

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