Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Why More Men are Choosing to Have Cosmetic Procedures

PDT Treatment to Reduce Sun Damage - Actual Un-Retouched Patient

PDT Treatment to Reduce Sun Damage – Actual Un-Retouched Patient

Cosmetic dermatology procedures have long been thought to be mainly the domain of women. While women still make up the majority, the number of men having cosmetic procedures has been rising steadily for the past few years.

According to the American Society of Dermatologic Surgery, in 2015 over 1 million men received cosmetic procedures such as Botox® and Dysport®. Men tend to prefer subtle, natural treatments that leave them looking masculine, more youthful, fit, and professional. For example, removing brown spots or broken blood vessels help men look healthier and more groomed.

Popular laser treatments for men include photodynamic therapy, which addresses precancerous lesions as well as reducing redness. IPL can also be used to reduce rosacea, and pulsed dye lasers such as V-beam are great for reducing broken capillaries around the nose, which are common in many men.

In addition to laser treatments, Botox, Dysport and dermal fillers are popular among working men in an increasingly youth-dominated workforce. Botox and Dysport can smooth wrinkles just enough to lend that youthful edge, while still retaining a few wrinkles for a natural look. Fillers can be used
to create a square jawline for a more masculine look or to smooth the forehead or under eye area to look rested and youthful.

If there is fat under the chin, it can give a bloated, unhealthy appearance. Treatment of
the neck with Kybella® injections, ThermiRF®, CoolSculpting® Mini or liposuction can take years off one’s appearance with very little down time and no telltale scars.

Next, read Prep Your Skin for Spring with a Chemical Peel

The post Why More Men are Choosing to Have Cosmetic Procedures appeared first on Cosmetic Laser Dermatology in San Diego.

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