Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Chest Wrinkle Treatment with Sculptra and Radiesse

La Jolla Anti-Aging Injectable ProceduresAt Cosmetic Laser Dermatology, we discuss wrinkles every day. If you’re like most of our patients, you worry about how wrinkles are affecting your appearance and what you can do about it.

Wrinkles can develop anywhere, yet it seems that the focus is always on facial wrinkles. However, wrinkles that form on the upper chest (cleavage, décolleté, etc.) are often just as distressing, especially to women.

While it’s difficult to prevent chest wrinkles, there are plenty of options for managing chest wrinkles. Continue reading to learn how Cosmetic Laser Dermatology in San Diego can treat these unsightly wrinkles!

What Causes Chest Wrinkles?

Chest wrinkle development is common, not only because of age but also because the skin on the upper chest is thin, delicate, and sensitive. Combine this with the effects of gravity and the loss of collagen and elastin in your skin, and it’s no wonder the upper chest area is susceptible to wrinkles.

Furthermore, several other habits contribute to chest wrinkle development:

  • Sleeping on your side – This causes wrinkles on the sides of your chest and between your breasts, especially if you have large breasts.
  • Using harsh soaps – The skin in your upper chest has fewer sebaceous glands, which means the skin is already naturally dry. Harsh soaps only worsen this.
  • Lack of moisture – Dehydration is a wrinkle’s foremost accomplice, so drink plenty of water and moisturize your décolletage at least twice a day.
  • Sun exposure – When you go outside, wear clothes and a hat to protect your skin. If you do wear cleavage-baring tops, use SPF 30+ sunscreen.
  • A poorly-fitting bra – A bra that doesn’t fit right (i.e., it’s too tight or doesn’t offer proper support, such as a sports bra or push-up bra) creates folds in your cleavage, which leads to wrinkles. A supportive bra keeps your breasts in a natural position and shape.

Keeping these habits in mind can help reduce the chances of chest wrinkle development, but what if you already have cleavage wrinkles? Or what if these preventative measures don’t work?

No problem. At Cosmetic Laser Dermatology, internationally renowned for innovative skin care treatment, we are proud to offer an effective solution to this problem to patients in or visiting San Diego!

Chest Wrinkle Treatment with Radiesse and Sculptra

Aging causes your skin to lose two very important elements that help keep it hydrated, supple, and wrinkle-free: collagen and elastin. Without normal levels of these key substances, your skin loses its natural moisture and volume, causing firm skin to lose structure and develop wrinkles and creases.

To reduce these natural effects of aging, or to simply enjoy a rejuvenation of your décolletage, a treatment with Radiesse and/or Sculptra is very effective. Not only are they safe and the treatment procedure fairly quick, the results you achieve are gradual and look natural.

Together, these injectables make for ideal chest wrinkle treatment because they replenish your skin for more fullness and volume. In general, Sculptra and Radiesse do the following:

  • Kickstart collagen production for firmer, more resilient skin
  • Raise levels of elastin to help prevent wrinkles and tighten the skin
  • Fuse with your body’s natural stores of moisture to keep skin volume and shape

By proactively doing the above, chest wrinkle treatment with Sculptra and Radiesse results in the following:

  • Reduced appearance of wrinkles
  • Elimination of shallow lines
  • Smooth, supple skin
  • Noticeably rejuvenated décolletage

How Radiesse and Sculptra Help with Chest Wrinkle Elimination

If you’ve become self-conscious about wearing halter tops, swimsuits, or low-cut blouses due to chest wrinkles, a combination treatment of Radiesse and Sculptra can help restore your self-confidence to wear what you want again.

In essence, Radiesse replaces your lost collagen and helps restore your radiant and youthful appearance. It is a calcium-based treatment that stimulates your body’s production of collagen to add lost volume.

Radiesse wrinkle treatment for your chest is a fairly simple procedure that can be done in a few minutes. Radiesse is mixed with lidocaine to make your session as comfortable as possible. The effects are almost immediate, yet you won’t have downtime, and you can resume your normal day shortly after a session.

Sculptra as a chest wrinkle treatment also helps replace lost collagen, but it is made from poly-l-lactic acid. This reinforces the support structure of your skin to restore soft, natural-looking volume to your chest.

It often takes 2-3 treatments over 2-6 months to get great results, as strengthening your skin’s foundation and creating new collagen takes time. Once the effects take hold, however, the results are amazing and normally last over two years.

We also like to combine Intense Pulsed Light or other laser and energy-based treatments to further enhance results and eliminate unsightly sun damage.

Learn more about filler injections at WebMD.com.

To Learn More about Keeping Your Skin Healthy, Contact Cosmetic Laser Dermatology

Cosmetic Laser Dermatology is renowned for its skin care expertise and innovative treatment procedures. For more on how our expert staff of dermatologists can revitalize your skin and appearance, schedule a custom consultation today by contacting us online or calling (858) 943-2113.

Next, read Keep Your Skin Healthy – Stay Away from Knock-Off Dermatology Products

The post Chest Wrinkle Treatment with Sculptra and Radiesse appeared first on Cosmetic Laser Dermatology in San Diego.

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